Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Funny Item on Ebay
This website will take you to an Ebay page to buy a lock of Abraham Lincoln's hair. That is disturbing on so many levels! The really good part is that there are nineteen bids on it, and the current bid is $280! The fact that there are people that would want someone else's hair, especially someone who has been dead for over a hundred years, is very creepy.
It probably is not even really his hair. Who would collect that before he was buried? "Oh, wait we have to collect his hair so someone can buy it for $200 someday." Wow. I also saw one down the page a little for George Washington and Princess Diana's hair. They were all in a frame with a photo and an autograph. If these people were to actually see this, I think they would be freaked out too.
The following few sentences are included as selling points on the page. "According to this site the price for ONE ¼” strand of Authentic Abraham Lincoln hair is $1900.00. The item up for bid consists of a FEW STRANDS of Authentic Lincoln hair obtained during his Presidency and is elaborately custom framed. Hair will last forever and can be handed down to future generations where autographs fade through the years. You will have an actual piece of an admired historic person in this very special framed display. You will own one of the most historic artifacts of this person to ever be made available." Hair will last forever and can be handed down for generations. That's just what I want to inherit from my family!

Monday, April 28, 2008


Even though it was kind of different, overall I enjoyed the movie Once. I was confused about whether or not they were just filming these people's lives, or it was an actual scripted movie. The filming did not seem very professional. It was kind of fuzzy and the lighting was not very good.
I did not like the ending of the movie, because I thought the two main characters would have ended up together, but they did not. I did think it was cute that he bought her the piano, however. The story was neat how these two strangers met randomly one day on the street and became close friends. It was funny when she was dragging her vacuum cleaner all over the city with her.
The music in the movie was really good. I liked the first song that the two sang together. I actually bought it off Itunes over the weekend. The guy was very good at playing guitar, and I love songs with acoustic guitar in them.
I think that using videos to help students further understand the concept of the papers was a good idea. I enjoyed all of the films we watched this semester, and I thought they all fit really well with what we were doing at the time. It was also nice to get a break from normal class once and a while. After just turning one paper in, it was nice not to have to then turn around and think about another. The videos provided a good break in the class that had a good purpose.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Favorite Toy as a Child

When I was young, I loved to play with Barbies. I loved to dress them up, do their hair, and make up fun lives and stories for them. One thing I always liked to do was to set up weddings. I would dress Barbie up in her wedding dress and gather all my other Barbies around.
Another thing that my friends and I liked to do was pretend that our Barbies were certain famous people. We had a Justin Timberlake Ken, a Britney Spears Barbie (back before she was crazy), and many others. We would make them have concerts as well as do normal life type things. We had pretty elaborate stories.
One thing that I do not like about Barbie now, is that they make everything for her. There is no imagination that goes into making up lives and stories for dolls anymore. If you want your Barbie to be a doctor, there's a doctor's office you can buy with all the accessories needed. When I was little, I never even had a house for my dolls. I built them with blankets and Lego's. When my Barbies had their weddings, I made an area for them to do it in. I did not go out and buy a church. When we had Barbie concerts, we built the stages.
I think that the way I played with Barbies showed my creativity and my ability to make up stories at a young age. I have always loved to write, and these characteristics definitely play into that. I wish that the doll makers would make little girls use their imaginations more. That way no little girl can be cheated out of developing one.

Monday, April 14, 2008

T.V. Show Worth Watching

The Biggest Loser is a television show that is worth watching. It is a show about a group of extremely overweight people that have to lose weight. The person that loses the most weight wins $250,000. Even though there is a never-ending stream of reality shows that are all pretty much the same, this one is different. It is one of the shows worth taking the time to watch.
It is inspirational to see these people go through the changes of losing weight. The trainers on the show literally work them until they cannot go anymore, and then they work them more. When the show is over and the finale comes, it is amazing to see the difference in how the contestants look. They are much happier and healthier. Seeing this transformation is enough to make many people want to go out and better themselves. Even if they do not need to lose weight, it is also a good motivator to get healthier and more fit.
The Biggest Loser is also just entertaining. Throughout the show, the contestants have to take part in certain challenges, they get make overs, and it is very evident that these factors change them for the better.
If a person is looking for a good show to watch, The Biggest Loser is it. It has something for everyone, and it is inspirational. The show is good to watch as a family because it can inspire everyone to be healthier.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Extreme Emotion

When told that the prompt today was to talk about a time when I felt as extreme emotion, one thought came to mind. That thought was my parents divorce. They separated when I was a sophomore in high school and were divorced the fall of my junior year.
I still remember the day my mom told me. Her and I were in the car on our way down to the cities from Alexandria, where we lived at the time. She pretty much just came out and said it, and did not really beat around the bush too much. I was so shocked at first. I mean, I knew things were not the greatest, but I hadn't realized that they were that bad. I was so shocked that I could not even feel anything else, and I do not think I even cried about it until later.
After my dad moved out, my mom was never home. She went out constantly and it really made me angry and sad. It also put a strain on our relationship that is still there today.
I have never experienced so much sadness and anger at any other point in my life. Sure, there have been other times where I have felt these strong emotions. However, I do not think that any of them had as great an impact on my life as this time did. I still have issues with my mom today, but things have improved. At this point, it does not bother me that much that they are divorced, but it sure would make my life a lot easier if they were not. Filling out financial aid is an example of how it would be easier.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Perspectives on Advertising

I hate commercials. Plain and simple. As soon as the show I'm watching goes to commercial, I flip to a different channel that does not have commercials at that moment. The thing that really makes me angry is when there is commercials on almost every channel at the same time. I feel like the shows on television could take up about half as much time if there were no commercials to interrupt it. I really hate watching movies on television because you miss parts of the movie. If there were no commercials, maybe they could play the whole movie in the amount of time allotted. There is one commercial that I do like, however. I am not positive, but I think it is one of those commercials that tries to encourage people to exercise, and there is this older guy dancing around an office. I love the song, it cracks me up when they say, "Let me see ya MOVE sucka". It gets me every time.
I am also very annoyed with print advertisements. I subscribe to Cosmopolitan magazine. As I flip through it, all I seem to see is advertisements. The magazine would be about five pages without all the advertisements in it. I like to read the articles in it, but I hate having to flip through all the ads to get to the actual content of the magazine. I realize that companies need some way to spread knowledge of their product, but maybe there should be a limit on how many ads can be in one magazine.
Another thing I hate about advertising is the way they try to sell products. I feel like a lot of advertisements degrade women. Alcohol ads are the worst at this. They use women's bodies and sex to sell everything. It makes me sad that after all this time, women still allow themselves to be looked at this way.
Advertising is an important industry to companies trying to get a product noticed. However, the way they go about trying to sell their product just bothers me. I think the way they bombard us with thousands of ads everyday is ridiculous, and actually probably turns more people off. I know when I have seen the same commercial over and over, it makes me hate the product more than want to buy it.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Barak Obama and Martin Luther King, Jr.

I really enjoyed reading both of these pieces. I really liked Obama's speech. I thought it was very well-written, and I agree with most of what he was saying. This, of course, is probably a big reason I liked it. I am hoping to be able to vote for Obama in November, and Martin Luther King, Jr. is one of my favorite historical people. I am very much a supporter of equality and fairness. It makes me very happy to see a black man as a main contender for the president. I am glad there is a woman there as well, however I wish it was a different woman.
I thought that both pieces effectively argued a point. I thought Obama did a great job of telling what needs to be done, why it needs to be done, and how it will be done. Our country is facing many major problems right now, and he did a good job of showing his audience what those issues are, and what he will do about it. I thought that Martin Luther King, Jr. did a good job of cutting down the other side, but he did it without sounding arrogant. Sometimes people just cut them down for the sake of cutting them down. Martin Luther King, Jr. did a good job of showing why they are wrong and giving examples.
Today, just as in King's time, there are many race related injustices. There are still stereotypes and racist acts that occur. These include income, education, the way people walk, talk, and dress. The list goes on and on. Granted, things have for sure improved since King's time, but we have still not reached full equality. The fact that there are still white supremacist groups that practice is frightening. It has been over one hundred years since slavery ended, and African-Americans still have to watch out for these people? That is unacceptable. But, I guess that is what happens when you live in a country that supports free speech. (Not that I do not support this, it's just sad to see some of the speech that is allowed.)
There are still many hate crimes that occur today. These hate crimes mostly come from the white supremacists that are still allowed to practice. There are still people that proudly wave confederate flags, and it is not only in the South. I do not personally know what it feels like to be an African-American and see that, but I can imagine it must be tough. I get really mad when I see stuff like that still happening.
I lived in Kentucky for about four years, and there is a huge population of African-American people to go along with the huge population of racist people. In the town that I lived in there were two middle schools. One was all the kids that lived in town, which was a lot of African-American kids. The other was all the surrounding area of the county. So the second middle school, which I attended, had all the farmer kids. When the two middle schools came together at the high school, there were a lot of fights that went on because of the two groups coming together. It was hard, even for me, to look at some of the kids considered "hick" that would wear confederate flag belts and shirts. I cannot imagine how that made the African-American kids feel.
All in all, I think that both pieces we read do a very good job of not only arguing their point of view, but also painting a picture of what is going on and what needs to change. Even though Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote that letter in 1963, the things he said still need improving today. I think that King would be glad to see Obama running for president this year. I hope that if Obama does win the presidency, he follows through with what he has said, and I really hope he can make a difference.